he loves his bong more

Dating a stoner boy is kinda like dating a bean bag - he's cool in theory but makes a huge mess and ends up taking up more space in your living room than you bargained for.

The truly special part of dating a stoner is that you get to hang out with his entire gang of doobie brothers. So fill your fridge with cheap egg rolls and cans of Surge, and get ready to listen to long discussions about the Illumanti.

All contents copyright © 1996-2006 by Bonnie Burton.

DISCLAIMER: By the way, these tips aren't meant to upset the actual punkers, stoners, musicians, ravers, goths and other types who visit Grrl.com. Sure not all musicians care more about their guitars than their girlfriends, and not all stoners eat tons of Ho-Hos, and not all goths wear black eyeliner, and not all ravers take E. But that's not the point. THIS IS IN JEST AND GOOD FUN. Learn to laugh at yourself a little. After all, not only have I dated all these stereotypes, but at different points of my life I was each of these stereotyoes myself -- except for the Redneck, that is.
